The Hong Kong Ex-Servicemen's Association
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is default as your HKESA Membership No.


Requirement & Category

Procedure of Application






Requirements to join the HKESA are as follows: -

Full Member

(1) Life members of the Hong Kong Soldiers' Association (no charges) or;

(2) General members of the Hong Kong Soldiers' Association (required to pay an entrance fee of HK$240.00 to become full members) or;

(3) Permanent members of the Hong Kong Ex-Soldiers' Association (no charges) or;

(4) Members of the World War II Veterans' Association (no charges) or;

(5) Hong Kong Chinese Servicemen who have served in the Royal Navy in Hong Kong since 1 January 1986 for ten years (no charges) or;

(6) Hong Kong Chinese Servicemen who have served in the Royal Navy in Hong Kong since 1 January 1986 for less then ten years (required to pay an entrance fee of HK$240.00 to become full members) or;

(7) Hong Kong Chinese Ex-servicemen who are not members of the organisations mentioned above (required to pay an entrance fee of HK$1,200.00 to become full members).

The Association has the right to approve or reject applicants joining the HKESA.

Associate Member

(1) Associate Members of the HK Ex-Soldiers' Association and the World War II Veterans' Association or;

(2) Other non-LEP servicemen who have served in the Hong Kong Garrison or;

(3) Locally employed civilians who have served in the Hong Kong Garrison or;

(4) Appropriate candidate proposed by a member and is seconded by two members and is to be approved by the committee.

Associate members are required to pay membership fee of HK$200.00 annually.

Honorary Chairman and Honorary Member

(1) The former Honorary Chairmen and Honorary Members of the Hong Kong Ex-Soldiers' Association and the World War II Veterans' Association are automatically to become the Honorary Chairmen and Honorary Members of the HKESA or;

(2) Anybody who has made contributions to the HKESA, either financially or by other means, may be invited by the Executive Committee to become Honorary Members of the Association. There are no charges to Honorary Members.


A completed application form together with 1 recent photo, a photocopy of the Hong Kong Identity Card and the entrance fee (if required) are to be sent to the Association. If the application is accepted, the Association will issue a membership card to the applicant. Members of the Association are entitled to use the clubhouse facilities and to enjoy benefits provided by the Association.

Application Form (free download for Acrobat Reader)