Hong Kong Ex-Servicemen's Association |
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THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION 聯會的建立 The Hong Kong Ex-Servicemen's Association was established in March 1997. All ex-LEPs, who have served with the British Garrison in Hong Kong, are eligible to join. The Association was formed as a result of the amalgamation of the following FOUR Associations:- 「香港退伍軍人聯會」(HKESA) 於 1997 年 3 月成立。所有在香港本地招募的華籍駐港英軍均合資格加入成為會員。聯會是由以下四個組織合併而成:- (1) The World War II Veterans Association 二次世界大戰退役軍人會 The World War II Veterans Association was founded by those Hong Kong Chinese soldiers fought bravely in the defence of Hong Kong against the Japanese. To continue the spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice of the World War II veterans, to-date over 300 members who served the British Armed Forces afer the 2nd World War have joined the Association. The Association's clubhouse is in Causeway Bay near the Central Library. 二次世界大戰退役軍人會是由那些捍衛香港抗日的香港士兵成立的。為了延續二次世界大戰退伍軍人的忠誠和自我犧牲精神。到目前為止,已有約 300 多名曾服役駐港的華籍英兵加入成為該協會會員。該協會的會所位於銅鑼灣中央圖書館側。 (2)
The Royal Navy LEP 香港本地招募皇家海軍
The history of the Hong Kong Chinese sailors who served with the Royal Navy goes back to the 19th century. These Hong Kong Chinese sailors were employed as cooks, stewards, seamen, electrical & engineering ratings, medical orderlies and store assistance in HMS Tamar and on board warships that deployed all over the world. On behalf of RN LEP, HMS Tamar donated HK$50,000 to the HKESA in 1997. Also on behalf of the RN LEP, the Royal Navy & Royal Marine Charity (RN&RMC) in UK has donated annually to the Hong Kong LEP Trust, to support the ongoing welfare and benevolence activities conducted by the HKESA. In 2019 and 2020, the RN&RMC donated £7,000 (HK$70,000) to the HK LEP Trust to support this vital work. 在皇家海軍服役的香港華籍水手的歷史源自 19 世紀。這些香港華籍水手被僱用為廚師、管家、海員、電氣和工程級別員工、醫療護理員和倉務助理等等職位,分別調配至分佈在世界各地的軍艦工作。於 1997 年,皇家海軍代表本地招募皇家海軍華籍軍人向香港退伍軍人聯會捐贈了 50,000 港元。而「皇家海軍和陸戰隊慈善組織」(RN&RMC)每年亦向「香港本地招募軍人福利基金」(HK LEP TRUST) 捐款,以資助 HKESA 的福利和慈善活動。於 2019 年和 2020 年,RN&RMC 向 HK LEP Trust 捐贈了 7,000 英鎊(約合 70,000 港元)以支持其重要工作。 (3) The Hong Kong Soldiers' Association 香港華籍陸軍協會 The Hong Kong Soldiers' Association was founded in 1966 as the Regimental Association of the Hong Kong Military Service Corps (HKMSC). The history of the Hong Kong Chinese Soldiers serving in the British Army can be traced back to the 1880's when locals were employed by the Royal Engineers in building of barracks and defence works. During World War II, they fought alongside with the British Troops in the defence of HK. Many were killed or taken prisoner of war. After the War, the Hong Kong Chinese Training Unit (HKCTU) was formed in January 1948 with the aim to recruit and train HK Chinese Soldiers for various duties in the British Garrison in Hong Kong. 香港華籍陸軍協會於 1966 年成立,作為「香港軍事服務團」(HKMSC) 的團隊。在英軍中服役的香港士兵的歷史可以追溯至 1880 年代,當時本地人被皇家工程部僱用來建造兵營和防禦工作。於第二次世界大戰期間,他們與英軍並肩作戰以捍衛香港。許多人被殺或被俘為戰俘。戰後,香港華人訓練隊(HKCTU)於 1948 年 1 月成立,其目的是招募和培訓香港士兵在駐港英軍中擔任各種職務。 In 1962, the HKCTU became the Hong Kong Military Service Corps. This organisation offered Hong Kong Chinese soldiers the opportunity to pursue a full career in the Army up to and including commissioned rank. At the peak there were over 1,200 Hong Kong Chinese officers and soldiers serving throughout the Garrison in a wide variety of roles and employments. The Regimental Association of the Hong Kong Military Service Corps transferred its assets of HK$900,000 to the HKESA. 1962 年,HKCTU 成為 HKMSC。該組織為香港士兵提供了在陸軍中服役至正規軍官級別的機會。於高峰期,有超過 1,200 名香港士兵在整個駐軍中服役,擔任各種職務和工作。HKMSC 將其 900,000 港元的資產轉給 HKESA。 (4) The Hong Kong Ex-Soldiers' Association 香港退伍軍人協會 The Hong Kong Ex-Soldiers' Association was founded in 1979 and was officially registered as a non-profit making organisation. All members are ex-soldiers of the HKMSC. The Association was formed to promote comradeship and help those who were in distress. The Hong Kong Ex-Soldiers'Association sold their clubhouse in To Kwa Wan for HK$1.2 million and donated the money to the HKESA. 香港退伍軍人協會 1979 年成立並正式註冊為非牟利組織。所有會員均為 HKMSC 的退役軍人。該協會的成立是為了促進舊同袍們的關係並於困難期間提供協助。香港退伍軍人協會以 120 萬港元出售了他們在土瓜灣的會所並將其捐贈給HKESA。 THE HONG KONG LEP TRUST 香港本地招募軍人福利基金 The Hong Kong LEP Trust was formed in 1992 to provide support to the primarily Hong Kong based former members of the Royal Navy (Hong Kong) Division and the Hong Kong Military Service Corps. Each year, the Hong Kong LEP Trust spends around £75,000 (HK$750,000) on direct charitable expenditure, mostly in support of the very large LEP veterans community in Hong Kong. Each year since 2012, the Hong Kong LEP Trust has been able to supplement its investment income with the generous support of the RN&RMC and ABF The Solders'Charity, thus enabling the important activities of the HKESA to be sustained. 「香港本地招募軍人福利基金」(HK LEP Trust) 於 1992 年成立,主要為香港服役的皇家海軍和香港軍事服務團隊退伍軍人提供支援。HK LEP Trust 每年支援退伍軍人社區福利約 75,000 英鎊(750,000 港元)。自 2012 年以來,HK LEP Trust的投資收益全賴「皇家海軍和陸戰隊慈善組織」(RN&RMC)和陸軍慈善組織 (ABF) 的慷慨支持,從而使 HKESA 的主要活動得以持續舉行。 We are delighted yet again to receive generous financial support in 2022 from the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity and ABF The Soldiers' Charity. Both charities have been unstinting in giving to us for the last 10 years - and this year we have received £7,000 (HK$70,000) from the RN&RMC and £9,000 (HK$90,000) from ABF The Soldiers' Charity. These funds are used to suport the increasing numbers of LEP veterans needing welfarfe and benevolence, delivered in partnership with The Royal British Legion (Hong Kong & China Branch). It is a great reassurance to us all that the Royal Navy and Army have not forgotten the important contribution of our Hong Kong servicemen and continue to suport us through their respective national charities. 我們很高興在 2022 年再次獲得 RN&RMC 和 ABF 的慷慨財政支持。在過去的 10 年,這兩個慈善機構一直不遺餘力地給予我們捐款 - 今年 RN&RMC 和 ABF 分別捐贈了 7,000 英鎊(70,000 港元)和 9,000 英鎊(90,000 港元)。 HK LEP Trust 與 Royal British Legion (Hong Kong & China Branch) 以合作形式運用這些資金支援越來越多的 LEP 退伍軍人迫切的需要。皇家海軍和陸軍沒忘記香港退伍軍人的重要貢獻,繼續通過各自的國家慈善機構支持我們,這讓我們感到非常寬慰。 The Association's aims are:- (a) Strive for the recognition by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (b) Seek the betterment and to enhance relationship of our members through a variety of leisure activities. And more importantly, to provide assistance to those members who need help. (c) Participate the charity activities enthusiastically and access to charitable support to the relevant charity communities in Hong Kong.
0930 hrs - 2100 hrs (last Friday of even month)
THE MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION The Association will do its best to provide service for members as follows:- (a) As a point of contact. (b) Organising activities (both social and sports). (c) Welfare assistance. There are many LEPs in Hong Kong and we very much hope that they would all join. However, this takes time and needs support from members. To-date the Association has over 1,300 members. The LEP clubhouse, managed by the Association, is opened to all members for their use, such as function and re-union. Members are not required to pay subscription. An Executive Committee, elected by members, runs the Association. The term of office of the committee is 3 years.
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